Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/449

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Btmlh Bttotytfibinp €to?e3- ©tar ants *Bznt Penalty on cutting Star and Bent on Sand Hills, 15 Geo. 2. c. 33. §6. Statelj. !. A Duty on Starch, 2 W. & M. c. 4. § 49. 10 Ann. c. 26. § 7. 12 Ann. ft. 2. c. 9. § 7. Made perpetual and Part of general Fund, 3 Geo. 1. e. 7. a. The Duties impofed by 12 A», /?, 2. c. 9. made perpetually 6 Geo. i.'c. 4. in order to be fubfcribed into South-Sea Stock, and the Surplus charged with Annuities to the Bank, 2 G»-2. 3. Drawback on Exportation, 10 Ann. c. 26. § 27. 4. Penalty on adulterating Hair Powder, 10 Ann. c. 26. §. 31. 12 Ann. ft. 2.c. 9. §20. 5. Directions for the charging Green Starch, 1 Geo. i-_/?. 1. c. z. 6. Every Box containing 4560 folid Inches, to be deemed 131 Pounds of Starch, 1 Geo. uft. I. c. 2. § 6. ~. Hair Powder imported to pay as Starch, j Gro. I . c. 4. § 14. 8. Starch-Makers to ufe oblong or fquare Boxes, 4 G«. 2. c. 9. Penalties on removing or concealing Starch, 4 Geo. 2. r. 14. §2. . 10 Penalty on adulterating Hair Powder, 4 Geo. 2. c. 14. § 5. For other Matters, 'fee %&wk 18. CatlDleS 17. CttftomS, JFutlDC. ©tar*C&amlJer. 1 ' . The Penalties of Contempts of the Procefs of the Council for Riots and grievous OiFences, 31 H. 6. c. 2. 2. Power given to a certain Number of Counfellors to examine and punifh Mif-doers for Riots and other Offences, 3 //. 7.. c. I. § I. 3. The Court abolifhed, 16 Car. 1. c. 10. ©rationed Company Their Right to the Printing or Re-printing any Almanack, or Calendar, not prejudiced by 9 Ann. 9 Ann r c. 23. § 52.. statutes- 1. Repealed for being mads by Compulfion, 85 £</. 2. in Affen- ' dlx. 15 &/. 3-/- 2 - 2. Where England is mentioned, /iT«/« and Berwick are included, zoGeo. 2. c. 42. § -3. •». Statutes eredting Courts of Confcience to be deemed Public J * Afts, 27 Geo. 2. c. 16. § z. iV ^r M«//f», /« Cljancetu 4. Crjutfljes 8. IRecognu 3aitcee. ©ted- See Iron. ©tep&ens (3!oanna.) c 000/. Reward for the Difcovery of her Medicine for diffolving the Stone, 12 Geo. 2. c. 23. Stepney The Reftor of every Church and Chapel, converted into a Pa- rochial Church in the Parifh of Stepney, to be nominated by Brazen No/e College, 12 Ann. ft. 1. c. 17. §4. ftr cr£«- Afo&ss /« Cljarcfjcs, and fDjitoitegeo fMaces, ©tetoattJ Of tf}€ fflifnB'0 IpOttfljOltl. See Mar- shal and Steward of the King's Houfhold. ©tetonttig of Court 'Barons ano %%%%$* See Leet. ^tlTf (IM.) See Calendar. £>tlU$* See Inclofures. ©til!«parti. The Privileges of the Merchants of the Hanfe confirmed, 79 H. 7. c. 23. Stockings. Their Manufacture how regulated in Scotland. See j&COtlauB Woollen ManufaSlure. For other Matters, fee jFtatllCS and f&illl,. Stocfejoobinn;, 1. Contracts and Wages relating to Stock where made void, and the Premium to be reftored, 7 Geo. 2. c. 8. § 1, io, 11, 10 Geo. 2. c. 8. 2. Bills for Difcovery of fuch Contrafls, &c. how to be anfwer- ed, 7 Geo. 2.c. 8. § 2. - 3. And the Plaintiffs to give Security to anfwer Colt;, 7 Gee. 2.

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4. Perfons executing fuch Contrafls to forfeit 500/. 7 G«. 2. <■„.. 8. §.4. 5. Stock fold for a certain Day, and not paid for according to Agreement, may be fold to any other Perfon, and the Seller re- cover Damages, 7 Geo. 2.c. 8.-§ 6. 6. And the Buyer may purchafe the like Quantity, where the Sel- ler refufeth to transfer the Stock fold, and ihall recover Da- mages, 7 Geo ~2. c. 8. § 7. 7. Penalties on Perfons felling Stock which they are not pofl'eiled of, and on Brokers negotiating fuch Contracts, 7 Geo. 2, c. 8» £8. 8. Ornotentring Contracts, 7 G?o. 2. <v8. § 9. For other Matters, fee 18?ankl:Ut)t. S>tOCk£. See Ale, &c. Brafiers, Clergy,. FifT*, Labourers, Silks, Wool. Stolen #O0ti$f» 1. Profecutors of fuch Offenders how rewarded, 6 Geo. 1. c. 23,,.

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2. Perfons buying or receiving Lead, Iron, Copper, Braf>, Bell- Metal or Solder, knowing it to be ftolen, to be tranfported, 29 Geo. 2. c. 30. 3. Penalties on having thofe Materials without being able to ac- count for them, 29 Geo. 2. c. 30. § 6. For other Matters, fee 3tc«ft"arp, ifclOltlCS fclltrj atlu JXSltll* out Clergy. JRettitution. Stores* 1. Embezilling Stores of War to twenty Shillings, made Felony,' 3 ! El. c. 4. 2. Penalties of embezilling Naval Stores, 16 Car.z. c. c. 19 Car. 2. c. 7. 22 tff 23 Car. 2. c. 23. I G;o. I. r. 25, § 3. 3. Penalty of having Stores with the King's Mark, 9 cV 10 IV.. 3. c. 4J. 9 G«. 1 . <.8..§ 3. 4. Not to hinder the lending Stores to any Merchant Ship in Di- flrefs, 9 £sf" 10 W. 3. f. 41. § 8.- 5. Treafuiers, tiff, may fearch Ships, 1 Geo, 1. <-. 2;..§ ;.. 6. Commiffioners of the Navy, tiff. -may commit Perfcns coun- terfeiting their Hands, 1 Geo. 1. c. 25. § 6. 7. Encouragement for railing Naval Stores in the Plantations, 3 iS 4 Ann. c. ic. 8 Ann. c. 13. § 30. and in Scotland, z: Ann. ft. I. c. 9. § 2. 8 Gft). I. f. IZ. 2 G?ff. 2. c 35. § 12. 8. Plantation Pitch and Tar to be clean, 5 Geo, 1, c. it. § 16.. 24 Gfo. 2. c. 52. § 2. 25 G«,2, f. 35. §.3. 9,-Juff.ices