Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/676

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202 Scavengers and Surveyors of the Highways lhall yearly account. And (hall pay the Money re- maining in their Hands to the fuccesding Sca- vengers. Scavenges and Surveyors refuf- ing to account, /hall he impri- soned. The Dean of Weflniinfter, &c. to elefl ad- ditional Bur- gelles. Wards to be fet out lor fuch Burgeffes. The Dean &c. and Burgeffes to choafeAffillants to the Burgeffes. BurgefTes and Affiftants to take the Oaths appointed. And tovontinue and he (upplied. To accept the Offices upon pains to be in- flifled. The Power of the Burgeffes and Affillants. Their Privi- ledges and Au- thorities. Remedy if the Dean of Weft- minfter, &c. fhall not tlecl: BurgelTes and Affirtants. The Lord Bifhop of London to execute Ecclefi- aflical Jurif- diftion in the I'arilh of St. James. Perfons fued may plead the General-Jffue, and recover Ttebls-Cofts, APPENDIX. XXVII. Provided always, That fuch Sums of Money as fhall be yearly affeffed in the faid Parifh of St. fames, for cleanfing the Streets, and repairing the High ways, (hall be yearly accouted for by the Scavengers and Surveyors of the High-ways reflectively which^ collected the fame, to two or more of the Juftices aforcfaid, within four days after the electing of new Scavengers and Surveyors of the Highways for the enfuing year, and fuch Sum or Sums as fhall be remaining in their Ha^ids, fhall be by them paid over to the next fucceeding Scavengers and Surveyors of the Highways respectively, and any two luch Ju- ft ces of the Peace (hall and may, bv virtue hereof, commit every of the faid Scavengers or Surveyors to the faid Common-Gaol, which (hall refufe to Account, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize until he have made a true Account, and fatislied and paid fo much as upon the fame fhall be remaining in his Hands, and the Sheriff's of Middlefex, or his or their Under-Sheriffs, and the Bailiff of Wefimiiijier and his Deputy or Deputies, and all Conftables in the City and Liberties of TVeJiminJier, are hereby required to be aiding and alfifting when thereunto required, in the execution of this Act. XXVIII. And be it enacted, That the Dean of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter's in Wejlminfter or his Succeffors, or the High-Steward there for the time being, fhall and are hereby required and autho- rized on the next Thurfday in EaJhr-JVeck next after the end of this Seffion of Parliament, and fo yearly for ever hereafter to nominate "and elect Two fufficient Perfons inhabiting within the faid Parifh of St. James, to be additional BurgefTes to thofe already conftituted by virtue of one Act of Parliament made in the Twenty feventh Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, intituled, An All for the good Govern- ment of the City and Borough of Weftminfter in the County of Middlefex ; Unto the Government of every which BurgelTes, there (hall be a Ward fet out by fit Metes and Bounds in the faid Parifh of St. James. ' XXIX. And for the more aid and affiftance of the faid BurgefTes,' It is hereby enacted, That the faid Dean or his Succeffors, or the faid High-Steward or his lawful Deputy, with all the Burgeffes then in being, or the more part of them, within eight days after the Election and Choice of the faid Two BurgefTes, (hall nominate and elect Two other able Perfons inhabiting in the faid Parifh, to be Af- firmants to the faid BurgefTes ; which faid Burgeffes and Affiftants fhall take the Oaths appointed by the laid Act to be taken by BurgefTes and Affiftants, and continue in their Places, (if they fhall inha- bit in the Taid Parifh) for fuch time, and be fupplied upon Death or Removal, as other BurgefTes and AfliTtants are thereby to continue and be Tupplied, and fhall alfo accept, occupy and enjoy the faid Rooms, upon the pains to be refpectively impofed by the faid Act upon Burgeffes and Affift- ants that (hall refufe the fame, to be levied of every of them, as therein it is ordained. And every of the faid Burgeffes, together with his Affiftant, fhall and may do, and deal within the Ward to them appointed in every thing and things, as Aldermens Deputies in the City of London lawfully do or might at any time lawfully have done, and (hall have and enjoy fuch and the like Liberties, Priviledges, and Authorities in all Refpects, as other Burgeffes and Affiftants of the faid City and Liberties of IVeftminfter by the faid Act do or may enjoy. And (hall and are hereby enabled to do and execute all and every the like Act and Deed, Thing and Things to be thereby done and exe- cuted by them or any of them. XXX. Provided always, That in cafe the Dean of Wejlminjler aforefaid, or his Succeffors, and the High-Steward for the time being, and his lawful Deputy, fhall not nominate and elect Burgeffes and Affiftants for the faid Parifh of St. James at the Times before limited, that then it fhall and may be lawTul for two Juftices of the Peace within the County of Middlefex or City and Liberty of IVeil- minfier, whereof o .e to be of the Quorum, to nominate and choofe the faid BurgefTes and Affift- ants, which being fo by them nominated and chofen, fhall occupy and enjoy the faid Rooms upon the pains in the faid recited Act limited, and have and enjoy fuch Rights and Liberties and Autho- rities in all refpects, as if they had been nominated and elected by the faid Dean and High-Steward, as aforefaid. XXXI. Provided always, and be it enacted, That the Lord Bifhop of London, and his Succeffors, fhall and may at all times hereafter execute Ecclefiaftical Jurisdiction in the faid Parifh of St. James, as he or they may do in any other Parifh within the Diocefe of London. XXXII. And be it enacted, That if any A&ions, Plaint, or Suit, or Information fhall be com- menced or profecuted againft any perfon or perfons, for what he or they fhall do in purfuance or Execution of this Act, fuch perfon and perfons fo fued may plead the General-Iffue of Not Guilty, and upon any lffue joyned, give this Act and the efpecial Matter in Evidence ; and if the Plaintiff or Profecutor fhall become Nonfuit, or fuffer a discontinuance, or if a Verdict pafs againft him, the Defendants fhall recover Treble-Cofts, Tor which they (hall have the like Remedy as in any Cafe ■where Cofts by the Law are given to Defendants. Anno