Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/692

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2i8 Payment into the Exchequer. Manner of Le- vying. Parents for Children, &c. Duties upon Births for Five years. Particulars, APPENDIX. Kings Serjeant, the Sum of Ten pounds, over and above the faid Four (hillings ; Arid for and upon the Burial of every Widow of every other Serjeant at Law, the Sum of Seven pounds and Ten (hil- lings, over and above the faid Four (hillings ; And for and upon the Burial of every Widow of an Ef- quire, or reputed Efquire, or fo owning or writing himfelf as fuch, the Sum of Five pounds, over and above the faid Four (hillings ; And for, and upon the Burial of every widow of every Gentleman, or reputed Gentleman, or fo owning or writing himfelf as fuch, the Sum of Twenty (hillings, over and above the faid Four millings ; And for and upon the Burial of every perf6n of the order and degree of an Arch-Bilhop, the Sum of Fifty pounds, over and above the faid Four (hillings ; And for, and upon the Burial of every Arch-Bi(hops Wife or Widow, the. Sum of Ten pounds, over and above the faid Four Shillings ; And for, and upon the Burial of every perfon of the degree and order of a Bifhop, the Sum of Twenty pound, over and above the faid Four millings ; And for, and upon the Burial of every Wife or Widow of every Bilhop, the Sum of Five pounds, over and above the faid Four (hillings ; And for, and upon the Burial of every perfon of the degree of a Dean of any Cathedral or Collegiate Church, the Sum of Ten pounds, over and above the faid Four (hillings; And for and upon the Bu- rial of every Wife or Widow of every Dean, the mm of Two pounds ten lhillings, over and above the faid Four (hillings; And for, and upon the Burial of every perfon of the degree of an Arch- Deacon, the fum of Two pounds ten (hillings, over and above the faid Four (hillings ; And for and upon the Burial of the Wife or Widow of every Arch-Deacon, the fum of Twenty (hillings, over and above the faid Four (hillings ; And for, and upon the Burial of every perfon of the degree of a Canon or Pre- bendary of any Cathedral or Collegiate Church, the fum of two- pounds ten (hillings, over and above the faid Four (hillings ; And for, and upon the Burial of the Wife or Widow of every Canon or Pre- bendary, the fum of Twenty (hillings, over and above the laid Four (hillings ; And for, and upon the Burial of every perfon of the degree of a Doctor of Divinity, Law, or Phylkk, the fum of Five pounds^ over and above the faid Four (hillings ; And for, and upon the Burial of the Wife or Widow of every fuch Doctor of Divinity, Law, or Phyfick,. the fum of Twenty (hillings, over and above the- faid Four (hillings ; And for and upon the Burial of every Son or Daughter of an Arch-Bilhop, Dean, Arch- Deacon, Canon, Prebendary, Doctor of Divinity, Law, or Phyfick, the fum of Twenty (hillings,, over and above the faid Four (hillings ; and for, and upon the Burial of every perfon having a real Eftate of the value of Fifty pounds per Annum or upwards, or a perfonal eftate of the value of Six hundred pounds or upwards, and not otherwife hereby Charged under any of the Ranks, Orders, Qualifications or Degrees herein before mentioned, the fum of Twenty (hillings, over and above the faid Four lhillings ; And for, and upon the Burial of the Wife or Widow, Child or Children of every* fuch perfon having fuch real or perfonal Eftate^ as aforefaid, the Sum of Ten (hillings,, over and above, the faid Four (hillings. IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the feveral and refpective Duties arid Sums of money Granted, as aforefaid, upon the Burials of the feveral Perfons before mentioned, as the fame (hall feverally become due and payable, (hall be anfwered and paid to his Majefty, his Heirs-, and SuccelTors for the aforefaid term of Five years, by the refpective Heirs, Executors or Adminiftra- tors of every fuch perfon fo Buried, as aforefaid, before any other Debts or Duties whatfoever; And in default of payment thereof to the Collectors of the faid Duty upon Demand, the fame (hall be Charged, upon, and Levied by diftrefs upon the Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, or the Goods and Chat- ties of the perfons fo Buried, in fuch manner as herein after is directed ; And the refpective Duties hereby Charged upon the Burial of any perfon, who (hall at the time of his or her death,, be under the age of one and twenty years, (hall be anfwered and paid by the Father of fuch perfon. (if living at the time of the death of fuch perfon under Age) and if the Father be then dead, by the mother, if (he be then living, or otherwife, by the Guardian, Truftee, Executor or Admrniftrator of fuch perfon j. And the Duty Charged upon the Burial of any Wife, (hall, be paid by the Hufband of fuch Wife. V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, that from and after the faid firft day of: May, for, and during the term of rive years and. no longer,, there (hall be Raifed, levied and paid to his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccelTors,. for, and upon the Birth of every perfon (except as herein after is ex- cepted) who (hall be Born within the faid term of five years, at any place within the Kingdom of Eng- land, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon.TKWiv/, the feveral and refpective Duties and fums of Money herein after mentioned (that is to fay;) VI. For, and upon the Birth of every perfon and Child (except the Child or Children of fuch as receive Alms) the fum of Two lhillings ; And for, and upon the Birth of every eldeft Son of every perfon of the degree of a Duke of England Scotland ox Ireland, or of his Wife by any other Hufband after his death, the fum of Thirty pounds, over and above the faid Two (hillings ; And for, and upon the Birth of every other Son or Daughter of fuch Duke, or of his Wife by any other Huiband after his death, the fum of Five and twenty pounds, over and above the faid Two (hillings ; And for, and upon the Birth of every eldeft Son of every perfon of the degree of a Marquefs of any of the faid- three Kingdoms, or of his Wife by any other Huiband after his death,, the fum of Five and twenty pounds, over and above the faid Two (hillings ;. And for, and upon the Birth of every other Son. or Daughter of fuch Marquefs, or of his Wife by any other Hufband after his death, the fum of Twenty pounds, over and above the faid Two. (hillings ; And for, and upon the Birth of every eldeft Son of every perfon of the degree of an Earl, of any of the faid three Kingdoms, or of his Wife by any other Huiband after his death, the fum of Twenty pounds, over and above the faid two (hillings ; And for, and upon the Birth of every other Son or Daughter of fuch Earl, or of his Wife by any other Huiband after his death, the fum of Fifteen pounds, over and above the (aid Two (hillings-; And for, and upon the Birth of the eldeft Son of every perfon of the degree of a Vicount ef any of the faid, three King-. doms,