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I HAVE said that clothing exercises a most powerful influence on health, and that consequently care should be taken to modify it in such a way that its influence shall be good instead of bad, as it too often is; but, in order to modify it thus, it is necessary to know what is the healthy condition of the body.

The body is made up of a number of different organs, each of which has a separate duty to perform; but neither of which can act properly, independently of all the others. If one of these organs strikes work the others suffer in consequence, and suffer in proportion to the importance of the disaffected organ, and the length of the strike. The organs are all employed in different ways in carrying out the work connected with the three great functions of the body, which are—(1) The changing of tissue; (2) The removal of waste or used-up material which results from those changes; and (3) The supply of new material to take the place of that which is constantly being worn out