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less use of needles and pins—Faulty construction of baby clothes—Rational baby clothing—Night clothing—Position during sleep—The danger of adults overlying children—Cots and cradles—The impropriety of rocking infants to sleep 58

Babies should not as a rule be carried—The reasons for this—How to carry a baby—The use of the perambulator—Out-door clothes for infants— Hoods—Furs for older children—Weather—Suitable times for exercise and meals—Out-door play—Sleeping out of doors—Liberty of action for the infant—Children should not be sat upright too early, nor urged to precocious walking—Learning to walk—The necessity of preventing the adoption of unnatural positions—The propriety of using the left hand equally with the right, and the reason for this 76

>Combinations—A new method of supporting children's clothes—Woollen dresses—Boys' clothes—Jersey and sailor suits—Little girls' dresses—Divided knickerbocker skirt—Pinafores—No stays for children—Children's shoes and boots—Choice of materials—Summary 96

The natural colour of the wool, or white the healthiest—"Health will not be clothed in dirty raiment"— Popular views on cleanliness—Clean clothes—