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Poisonous dyes—Red aniline dye—Red flannel—Misuse of aniline dyes—Poisoning by aniline dyes—Arsenical poisoning from dyes—Reinsch's test for arsenic—Lead-poisoning by dyes—The choice of colours so as to avoid injury by poisonous dyes—Experiments on the relative values of various colours for use in hot climates 110

Faults of the ordinary mode of dressing girls—Undue weight of clothing—Woollen materials afford the maximum of warmth with the minimum of weight—How to impede the loss of heat from our bodies—The body's atmosphere—Ventilating power of various clothing materials—Over-tight clothing— Woollen healthy wear for summer as well as winter—Skin irritation from woollen clothing as a rule transitory—Skin diseases brought about by the wearing of too thin clothing in summer—Woollen clothing not weakening unless the body is too warmly clad—The quantity and quality of clothing to be regulated according to the external temperature—Night clothing —Bedding and bedclothes—High-necked and long-sleeved combinations objected to as incompatible with the wearing of low-necked evening dresses—How to avoid this objection—Advice to débutantes—How to detect adulteration in woollen materials—How to wash woollen clothes—Medical opinions on the value of woollen underclothing 122

Underclothing—The chemise, and why it should be abolished—Tight-lacing—Fashionable deformities