Page:Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs.djvu/330

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when is sufficiently small the figure abed may be regarded as rectilinear, and that its angles are entirely determined by its tensions. Hence the ratios of , for sufficiently small values of , are determined by the tensions alone, and for convenience in calculating these ratios, we may suppose to be equal, which will make the figure absolutely rectilinear, and make equal to the other pressures, since it is supposed that this quantity has the value necessary for equilibrium. We may obtain a simple expression for the ratios of in terms of the tensions in the following manner. We shall write , etc., to denote the areas of triangles having sides equal to the tensions of the surfaces between the masses specified.




may be written for , and analogous expressions for the other symbols, the sign denoting the positive root of the necessarily positive expression which follows. This proportion will hold true in any case of equilibrium, when the tensions satisfy the condition mentioned and is sufficiently small. Now if will have the same value, and we shall have by (627) , and by (633) . But when is very small, the value of is entirely determined by the tensions and . Therefore, whenever the tensions satisfy the condition supposed, and is very small (whether are equal or unequal),


which with (634) gives


Since this is the only value of for which equilibrium is possible when the tensions satisfy the condition supposed and is small, it follows that when has a less value, the line where the fluids