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Chit. 26.) When Dadaji took charge of the Puna jagir, its paper revenue was only 40,000 hurt (or Rs. 1,60,000, according to the current rate of exchange.) (Sabh. 102.) But only a fraction of this amount was actually collected.

For the defence of the district he organised a body of local soldiers (barqandazes) and set up out- posts at suitable places. (Chit. 26.) The memory of his able and beneficent administration was long preserved, and a later chronicle tells us, "He did such strict justice that the very name of robbers and usurpers disappeared from the district." (T. S. 9a.) An anecdote illustrates his punctilious sense of justice : "He planted a garden of fruit trees named after Shahji and gave strict orders that if any one plucked even a leaf from the trees, he would be punished. One day Dadaji with his own hand plucked a mango from a tree. For this offence he was about to cut off the hand when the other people prevented him. To show his respect for the rules, however, he wore an iron chain round his neck" (T. S. 9b), — or "kept the offending arm confined in a long glove!" (Chit. 29.)

§3. Shivaji's education.

On the subject of Shivaji's education, Sabhasad is silent. The Tarikh-i-Shivaji tells us that "Dadaji trained Shivaji and appointed an excellent teacher for him. In a short time Shiva became skilled in