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Bhutanese Houses 186
Lhalung Monastery 198
Tuwa-jong 202
Interior of Lhalung Monastery 206
Interior of Dug-gye-jong 212
Bridge at Shana 214
Paro Ta-tshang Monastery (photogravure) 218
Group at Poonakha, 1908 222
Oath of Allegiance signed at Poonakha at the Installation of Sir
 Ugyen Wang-chuk as Maharaja of Bhutan, 1907 226
H.H. Sir Ugyen Wang-chuk, K.C.I.E., Maharaja of Bhutan 234
Impressions of Seals given to Bhutan by China, Nepal, and Tibet 286
Art Specimens—I 294
Art Specimens—II 296
Art Specimens—III 298
Art Specimens—IV 300
The illustrations facing pages 60, 64, 66, and 68 by the kind permission of Mr. Hoffmann.
Map of Sikhim and Bhutan At end
