Page:Simplified scientific astrology - a complete textbook on the art of erecting a horoscope, with philosophic encyclopedia and tables of planetary hours (IA simplifiedscient00heiniala).pdf/139

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Thus, to sum up, the Sun, Moon and Ascendant are all important significators of health and vitality for both sexes, but the position and aspects of the Moon are more important to a woman than those of the Sun and Ascendant, and the position and aspects of the Sun are more vital to the health of a man than the two other factors,

In modern times the word ‘Hyleg,’ and the designation of the vital parts of the horoscope as ‘hylegiacal’ places are not generally used. The writer always speaks of them as ‘significators of health,’ then everybody understands what is meant, and it seems senseless to befog the subject with mysterious terms when good, plain English conveys our meaning so much better. It should also be understood that to judge any subject, be it health, wealth, joy or sorrow or any other thing that may befall, the special significators give only a limited amount of information. To obtain a really comprehensive knowledge each subject must be judged from the horoscope as a whole.

Infortunes or Malefics:

Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, for explanation see ‘Good’ and ‘Bad.’

Inferior Planets:

Astronomers so designate Venus and Mercury, because they always remain very close to the Sun, and are never seen in parts of the heavens opposite