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The corruption and rottenness recently revealed as having long existed in some parts of our Government machinery, and frankly denounced by the President himself in his message, are sufficiently alarming to shake the many well meaning people who so far have put aside our appeals with apathetic unconcern, out of their indifference. The most confirmed optimists can now hardly fail to open their eyes to the fact that in the description of existing abuses and evil tendencies, we have rather understated than overcolored the truth, and that those abuses and evil tendencies, unless counteracted by thorough reforms, are certain to produce still greater mischief and shame. We can now confidently call upon all friends of good government in the Republic, at least to inquire into and study the measures we advocate, with open minds. It would be strange, indeed, if the shocking object-lessons staring us in the face to-day did not quicken the pace of our advance.