Page:Songs compleat, pleasant and divertive (Wit and mirth or, Pills to purge melancholy).djvu/195

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[Music ]

I Hate a Fop that at his Glass
  Stands prinking half the Day,
  With a sallow frowzy olive colour'd Face,
  And a powder'd Peruke hanging to his Wast,
  Who with ogling imagines to possess,
And to shew his Shape does cringe and scrape,
          But nothing has to say;
        Or if the Courtship's fine,
        He'll only cant and whine,
        And in confounded Poetry,
        He'll Goblins make divine;
        I love the bold and brave,
        I hate the fawning Slave,
        That quakes and crys,
        And sighs and lyes,
        Yet wants the Skill,
        With Sence to tell,
  What 'tis he longs to have.