Page:Songs compleat, pleasant and divertive (Wit and mirth or, Pills to purge melancholy).djvu/323

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[Music ]

LAds and Lasses Blith and Gay,
  Hear what my Song discloses,
As I one Morning sleeping lay,
  Upon a bank of Roses:
Willy ganging out his Gate,
  By geud luck chanc'd to spy me;
And pulling Bonnet from his Pate,
  He softly lay down by me.

Willy tho' I muckle priz'd,
  Yet now I wou'd not know him;
But made a Frown my Face disguis'd,
  And from me strove to throw him:
Fondly he still nearer prest,
  Upon my Bosom lying;
His beating Heart too thump'd so fast,
  I thought the Loon was dying.

But resolving to deny,
  An angry Passion feigning;
I often roughly push'd him by,
  With words full of disdaining:
Willy baulk'd no favour wins,
  Went off so discontented;
But I geud faith for all my Sins,
  Ne'er half so much Repented.