Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 20.djvu/205

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Presentation of Statue of A. P. Hill 199

remoulded these provinces into States, after the "form and fashion" of our fathers, and now the "camp-follower," the " carpet-bagger," the "scalawag," and all such are no more, and instead of these " off- scouring of creation," we present to the world the States of the Con- federacy as forming the solid phalanx of the " Solid South," and as the hope and mainstay of constitutional liberty in this great republic. And thus, my comrades,

" As the mountains look on Virginia, And Virginia looks on the sea, Whilst musing here an hour alone, I dream that we may yet be free ; For standing near a Stuart's grave I will not deem myself a slave."


"Spur on ! Spur on! We love the bounding

Of barbs that bear us to the fray. " The Charge " our bugles now are sounding,

And our bold Stuart leads the way.

Confederate War Glee.

Response by Judge D. M. Bernard, of Petersburg. JUDGE D. M. BERNARD'S RESPONSE.

It affords me no little pleasure to speak the merited praises of the cavalry of the Army of Northern Virginia. My only regret is that I am not gifted with that silvery eloquence which alone can paint in its true colors the brilliant part which it took in those splendid achievements which have made immortal the army to which it belonged.

I look with loftiest pride upon the first three and a half years of the war. I served with that branch of the army which has written its name high and imperishably high on the temple of fame, the infantry of our army, but I can assure you it is with no less pride that I contemplate the last six months of that war, in which I shared the hardships and the glories of that gallant band of heroes, the cavalry of the Army of Northern Virginia.

I know it is thought by some that the hardships of the cavalry were comparatively slight. Indeed this idea was at one time so