Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 26.djvu/123

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The Battle of A///MV/ ,sy,,/; 0/ ,.


holding its isolated advance position; but it appears that the orders did not reach them in time, and over sixty of the nth were captured by the enemy. After a stubborn fight of nearly two hours, in which \\c expended nearly all of our ammunition, we withdrew slowly, in single file. The men moved towards the bridge, nearly surrounded by the enemy's skirmishers, the firing being kept up on both sides. Near the bridge some of the companies of the 7th Virginia were ported, who covered our retreat as we passed the bridge. Soon after we crossed the bridge, the enemy charged up, but some of the planks having been removed and a close volley from our rifles brought them to a halt, and thus the battle to a close. We then marched to a high ridge about three miles west of Milford, where we formed a line of bat- tle, expecting a flank move- ment of the enemy; but no enemy appeared, and we took up our line of march, stopping on the road leading from Spot- sylvania Courthouse. Here we halted for the night. Early the next morning we found that Ewell's Corps was passing on the road going to Hanover Junction, and we fell into line with them, reaching the Junc- tion sometime about 2 o'clock that afternoon, where we were welcomed by the rest of our division.

The first one to meet me was my captain, and his first inquiry naturally enough was, "Where are my sword and MII.FOKD AND SURROUNDINGS. blankets?" I could only reply, "At Milford." Such is the fate of war. The loss of such articles was no trifling matter in those days. There was no money, and little chance to replace them, except when we could lay under tribute our friends in blue. These used to sup- ply us with all we needed, but they were getting too many for us now.

The stubborn resistance of our small force had far greater results