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It is less than ten years since the first Spirella corset was made. ln this short period a wonderful business has been built up. Five factories, in the United States, Canada, England and Germany, employ two thousand workers. Nine thousand women corsetieres in addition represent the company in these countries. Best of all, two and one-half million satisfied customers have become enthusiastic admirers of Spirella. There are reasons for this wonderful success. As briefly as possible we will tell you the unusual features of Spirella corsets that have made it possible.

Spirella Styles

In Paris, London and New York, the world's greatest centers of fashion, Spirella representatives watch the constantly changing styles to develop points that will contribute to the merit of Spirella corsets. Our designers, too, visit these centers for the same purpose. Thus a constant watch is maintained, not only for novel features in corset construction, but for new styles in gowns for morning, afternoon and evening wear, that Spirella corsets may furnish the best foundation for good dressing. New Spirella styles are being created continually, so that any gown may be worn over the Spirella corset with perfect comfort and supreme style. Our Continental styles come from Paris, Berlin and Vienna, while London furnishes ideas of English styles. These are adapted to the needs of American women so that the Spirella corset provides that necessary foundation for an exact fit which causes its wearer to feel her clothes become her and show her figure to the best possible advantage. No woman can know the highest possibilities of beauty in her figure until she has worn a Spirella corset.

Fitted to Your Measure

Your Spirella corset will be fitted to your individual measurements. Waist size is only one of them. Eleven measurements in all are taken. It is not enough to know your waist measure, and that you are slender, medium or well. developed. Only with these eleven measurements can be told which one of the different models for the various types of figures is the particular one best suited to the requirements of your individual figure.

Correct Dress Requires a Corset Correctly Fitted

In Paris, where style in dress reaches its greatest perfection, the corset is of first importance. No smartly dressed Parisian lady would wear a corset other than one fitted to her individual measurements. One leading Parisian modiste will not design a gown without first designing and fitting the corset upon which the gown is to be worn. One of the world's authorities on fashion has said:

"The secret of being well dressed lies in your figure and your figure is made or ruined by your corset." "Don't order your gown until you have bought the right corset."

Proper Adjustment

No matter how carefully a model has been selected for your figure, nor how accurately the measurements have been taken,