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on with care, it will be a valuable adjunct to the health of the average woman of mature years.

The life of the average woman does not afford sufficient general physical activity to keep the muscles of the waist in perfect condition. This fact, in addi­tion to the change of the tissues due to child-bearing, weakens the abdominal muscles to such an extent that they are not able to counteract the force of gravity which drags them downwards, and the use of an arti­ficial support is necessary. It is important that this support be intelligently applied or there is danger of aggravating the difficulty.

The modern corset, which is designed to afford pressure upward from the abdomen and freedom at the waist line, tends to hold the body in the correct posi­tion throughout the various activities of life, and if properly fitted and properly worn, will preserve the muscles in their harmonious relations, and prevent the development of bad habits of movement.

The modern Spirella corset excels all others in its healthful control of the body because the peculiar qualities of its boning permit such freedom of motion; this aids in retaining the life of the muscles themselves. A woman wearing a Spirella corset can cultivate a much larger range of physical movements than her sister who is held up by the stiffer forms of boning, as these must necessarily limit the range of her activities.

There is not much individuality of expression to the ordinary corset figure, but the flexibility of Spirella with its flow of motion throughout every inch of its length, retains the individuality of the wearer, and per­mits her personality to speak through the medium of physical expression. It is well nigh impossible to dis­tort a well-corseted figure. Such a figure cannot ex­press anything but dignity and elegance. The poise may change somewhat from season to season, accord­ing to the prevailing styles of gowns and footwear, but certain fundamental laws of correct and healthful cor­seting will always be the same.

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