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WE sing the seat of Mary's love,
That Heart, to bless which Heaven above
And Earth below alike rejoice:
Come, Jesus, aid our feeble voice.
What sweeter gift does God impart
Than Mary's sweet and Virgin Heart?
What nobler object of our love
In earth below or heaven above?
Through that pure Heart where thou didst dwell,
That Heart that loved thine own so well,
May all their homage, Jesus, send
To thee, for ages without end. Amen.

Anthem. — I love them that love me, and they that, in the morning early, watch for me, shall find me. With me are riches and glory, glorious riches and justice; that I may enrich them that love me, and may fill their treasures. — Prov. viii. 17.

V. Heart of Mary, inflamed with the love of Jesus.

R. Make my heart burn with that love with which you are consumed.

Let us pray.

O GOD of clemency, who hast been pleased, that, for the salvation of sinners and the protection of the miserable, the Immaculate Heart of Mary should be, in charity and mercy, the most perfect image of the divine Heart of her Son, Jesus Christ; grant that we, who celebrate the memory of this most sweet and loving heart, may, by its intercession and merits, be found conformable to the Heart of Jesus; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, thy Son, who with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, world without end. Amen.

V. O Lord, hear my prayer.

R. And let my cry come unto thee.