Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/1521

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Herat, 339, 340

Heredia, 482

Hermit Island (W. Pacilin), 61 f)

Hermopolis, 694

s'Hertogenbosch, 811

Hervey Islands, 332

Herzegovina, 403

Hesse, area and jiopulation, 639

— books of reference, 642

— constitution, 639

— finance, 640

— grand-duke, 638

— instruction, 640

— production and industry, 641

— railways, 641

— religion, 640 Hesse, Upper, 639

— Rhenish, 639 Hesse-Nassau, area, kc, 658

— crime, 663

— emigration, 660

— religion, 661 Hidalgo (Mexico), 78f> Hill Tipperah, 131 Hirosaki, 764 Hiroshima, 764 Hissar, 973

Hobart (Tasmania), 304 Hod-Mezo Vasdrhely, 391 Hof, 627 Hohenzollern, area, kc, 658

— crime, 663

— emigration, 660

— religion, 661 Hokkaido (Japan), 764 Holland (K and S.), 809, 811 Holland, parts of, 17 Honan, 458

Honduras, area and population, 712

— books of reference, 714

— commerce, 713

— constitution and government, 712

— crime, 712

— diplomatic representatives, 714

— finance, 712

— instruction, 712

— money, weights, and measures, 713

— posts and telegraphs, 713

— president, 712

— production and industry, 713

— railway, 713 Honduras, British, 240 Hongay (Tonquin), 549

Hong Kong, administration, 120


Hong Kong, area, 121

— births, 122

— books of reference, 124

— commerce, 123

— constitution and government, 120

— currency and credit, 124

— deaths, 122

— debt, 123

— defence, 123

— emigration, 122

— exports and imports, 124

— finance, 122

— governor, 121

— instruction, 122

— justice and crime, 122

— lease of territory, 121

— military expenditure, 104

— money, weights, and measures, 124

— population, 121

— revenue and expenditure, 122

— shipping, 124

— troops at, 104 Honshiu, 763, 764 Horsens, 490 Howrah, 135 Huahine Island, 571 Huanillos (Peru), 871 Hubli, 135

Huddersfield, population, 18 Hue, 548

Hull, 18, 75, 90 Humphry Island, 332 Hunan, 458 Hungary Proper, 389 Hungary, agriculture, 396

— area, 389

— army, 361-363

— banks, 402

— births, deaths, and marriages, 390

— books of reference, 404, 406, 407

— breweries, 398

— commerce, 399

— constitution, 387

— with respect to Austria, 358

— currency and credit, 401, 402

— customs valuation, 399

— debt (Austro-Hungarian), 360 ;

(Hungarian), 395

— emigration, 391

— exports, 399

— finance (Austro-Hungarian), 359 ;

(Hungarian), 394, 395

— forestry, 397, 398

— government, 387