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Twice-born bird, ah! wherefore stirred
To wrong our royal lady?

and the usual war of words would break out between her and her brother-in-law.

The day before they were to start, the inkstand was missing and could nowhere be found. Kiran smiled, and said: “ Brother-in-law, your goose has flown off to look for your Damayanti.”

But Satish was in a great rage. He was certain that Nilkanta had stolen it — for several people said they had seen him prowling about the room the night before. He had the accused brought before him. Kiran also was there. “You have stolen my inkstand, you thief! ” he blurted out. “ Bring it back at once.” Nilkanta had always taken punishment from Sharat, deserved or undeserved, with perfect equanimity. But, when he was called a thief in Kiran’s presence, his eyes blazed with a fierce anger, his breast swelled, and his throat choked. If Satish had said another word, he would have flown at him like a wild cat and used his nails like claws.

Kiran was greatly distressed at the scene, and taking the boy into another room said in her sweet, kind way: “ Nilu, if you really have taken that inkstand give it to me quietly, and I shall see that no one says another word to you about it.” Big tears coursed down the boy’s cheeks, till at last he