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Strange and Wonderful Prophecies.

The memory of such an act,
yet as it had not been,
Thy Favourites who are more this day,
or matched to thy Kin.

Then they [1] adoring Wood and Stone,
Statutes forsake Divine;
Meditate carved Statues on
in faction do combine,
With Enemies of God most high,
to thrust him from his Throne,
And thus hast lifted up thy self,
so facile and so prone.

Against the Lord of Heaven thy King,
not humbling of thy heart,
But stiffened hast with pride thy neck
unto thy future smart.
Behold, polluting holy things
with Sabbath so Divine,
Idolatry and Revels in
that day and night made thine.

  1. This is not yet fulfilled but it seems to point out that the Kings Statues, and Armes shall be broken & pulled down from all public places, as he in his Reign had promoted Idolatry liberty on the Lords day, and other notorious sins against God.