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American Register and Magazine.

was again a deficiency of income of £2,956,684; and in 1848 of £796,419. In 1849 there was a surplus of £2,098,126; in 1850, of £2,578,806; and in 1851, of £2,726,396. The declared or real value of the total exports from the United Kingdom in 1822 was £53,470,090; and of the imports, £30,531,141. In 1832 the value of the exports was £76,070,148; and of the imports, £44,610,546. In 1842 the imports had increased to £113,841,802; and the exports to £65,243,286; while in 1850 the exports were of the value of £197,309,876, and the imports of £100,460,433. The total amount of tunnage of ships entered inward in the ports of the United Kingdom in 1822 was 2,132,778; of which 1,663,627 was British, and 469,151 foreign. The total tunnage outward in the same year was 1,996,802; of which 1,539,260 was British, and 457,542 foreign. In 1851 the tunnage entering inward amounted to 7,872,094; of which 4,938,386 were British, and 2,933,708 foreign. The tunnage which cleared outward in the same year was 8,108,104; of which, 4,882,490 were British, 3,225,614 foreign.


The official accounts of the revenues and disbursements of the East India Company have been published for the years 1846–47, 1847–48, 1848–49. The net revenues of the Bengal Presidency for the above years have amounted respectively to 8,80,81,004 rupees,[1] 7,73,93,036, and 7,89,12,192. Those of the northwestern provinces have been 4,95,21,708 rupees, 5,00,51,482, and 4,99,83,128. The total net revenues therefore were 13,76,02,712 rupees, 12,74,44,518, and 12,88,95,320. The total charges for the same years have been 11,14,23,671 rupees, 11,24,91,624, and 11,23,87,912; the net surplus for each year accordingly has been 2,61,80,325 rupees, 1,49,54,982, and 1,65,08,584. The total estimated revenues for 1840-50, including those from the Punjab and Trans-Indus territory, estimated at 1,35,05,000 rupees, and rated at 15,15,44,862 rupees, and the charges at 12,07,47,610 rupees, giving a surplus of 3,07,97,652 rupees.


We find in the British Almanac, an interesting article upon railroad operations in the United Kingdom, for 1851. From this we learn that 1851, like the two preceding years, has produced a

  1. The Bengal rupee is worth half a dollar, very nearly.