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Caldwell. Dr. 33, 412; on the Cox, Prof. H., quoted, 15.

word "Dravida', 5; on the Critical spirit, 196. aborigines, 19; on Tamil civilisation, 50; on the Paraiyas, 81; on the Tamil alphabet, 120;

Damodaram Pillai's division of on Tamil diphthongs, 156; on

Tamil literature, 198-200, 399. Tamil literature, 201—204; on

Dancing women, 190. the Alvars, 281; on Malayalam,

Dandi, a grammarian, 220. 345, 359.

Dead, disposal of the, 39, 214.

Dependant letters in Tamil, 133. Case terminations, 164.

Der-inokh, 415. Castes, Tamil, 58; regional clas- Deva Nagari alphabet, 29.

sification of, 62; in Raja Raja Devar (Aryans), 10. Chola's time, 66; origin of, 67; Devara-makkalu, a title, +15. increase of, 73; disputes, 71; Devara liyinns, 190; and Divya

the right and left-hands. 95. prabandam, compared, 292. Caste system, 61 ; Vellalar's Diwakaras of Sendan, a Tamil position in, 61; introduction of dictionary, 65,219. 75: among the Naga-Dravi- Dots, use of, in Tamil letters, 122. dians, 381.

Drama, 187; works on the, 189, Cattle-lifting, before a war, 10. Dravida, explained, 1; Manu's Ceylon and Tiyans, 415.

definition, 5; Dr. Caldwell's Chakkivar Kuttu, 190.

use of, 5; etymology of, €; and Chera customs, early, 275. Gauda contrasted, 3 Chera kings, dates of certain, Dravidas, the five, 2; the custom 265; genealogy of, 270.

of, 3; proper, 4; Nambudries Cheruinars and Pallans, names not included, 4 f. 11. of castes, 354.

Dravidins. 61; in Upper India, Chidambaram, temple at, 318. 36; not a dark race, 378; Chinese, 161.

civilisation of, 60; religion of Chintadripetta, 93.

early, 283 ; various theories Chintainani, a Jaina work, 219, concerning, 17 el seq; connec293; age of, 255.

tion with Australians, 18. Chudamani Nigandu, Tamil Dravidian, linguistic and ethnodictionary, 219.

logical applications, 37; family Chulanani, a poem, 219, 392, and Uralo-Altaic languages, Coimbatore, derivation of, 31. 170, 171 ; languages, degree Combination of letters, 140. of relationship among the, Commentators, Tamil, 196 ; 374 ; their influence in Sans

names of, 223;Vaishnava, 223. krit, 168, 169; interchange of Commentaries, need for, 223. letters in, 151 ; migration, not Communication between the hy sea, 17; thought, 186.

East and West Coasts, 371. Drinking, 74. Compound words in Tamil, Dual termination, 163.

158; and in Sanskrit, 16). Dvarasamudram, 378. Conjeeveram, religions at, 290. Consonants, Tamil, 131; soften Early Tamil, 173-177. ing of Sanskrit, 161.

Enadi Nayanar, a Saint, 66, Copper plate grants, 115 ; early Ethical literature, 193-195. Malabar, 356.

Etymology, Tamil, 162. Cow, its importance, 73.

Exegetical period, 222-224.