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TEK TEARS LATER. 47 Patience, monsieur," he said; "the Chevalier de Lor- raine was there, and I feared an utter failure if I asked too much at once. Wait until I return. Adieu." "Adieu, Monsieur le Comte; a thousand thanks," said Malicorne. "Send Manicanip to me. By the way, monsieur, is it true that Mademoiselle de la Valliere is lame?" As he said this a horse drew up behind him, and on turning round he noticed that Bragelonne, who had just at that moment en- tered the courtyard, turned suddenly pale. The poor lover had heard the remark, which, however, was not the case with Malicorne, for he was already beyond the reach of the comte 's voice. "Why is Louise's name spoken of here?" said Eaoul to himself; "oh! let not De Wardes, who stands smiling yon- der, even say a word about her in my presence." "Now, gentlemen," exclaimed the Comte de Guiche, "prepare to start." At this moment the prince, who had completed his toilet, appeared at the window, and was immediately saluted by the acclamations of all who composed the escort, and ten minutes afterward banners, scarfs, and feathers were flut- tering and waving in the air, as the cavalcade galloped away CHAPTER VIIL HAVRE. This brilliant and animated company, the members of which were inspired by various feelings, arrived at Havre four days after their departure from Paris. It was about five o'clock in the afternoon, and no intelligence had yet been received of madame. They were soon engaged in quest of apartments; but the greatest confusion immedi- ately ensued among the masters, and violent quarrels among their attendants. In the midst of this disorder the Comte de Guiche fancied he recognized Manicamp. It was, in- deed, Manicamp himself; but as Malicorne had taken possession of his very best costume, he had not been able to get any other than a suit of violet velvet trimmed with silver. Guiche recognized him as much by his dress as by his features, for he had very frequently seen Manicamp in this violet suit, which was his last resource. ManicamjD pre- sented himself to the comte under an arch of torches.