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Negro. — Place the fingers of the "N" hand upon the end of the nose, and rock it from side to side with a twisting motion. XX, 372. Europe. — Describe a circle before the face with the right "E" hand. Asia, China.— Place the ends of the forefingers of the "G" hands, one at the corner of either eye, and push upward a little, giving the eyes an almond shape. Or simply place the end of the forefinger on the temple and twist it once or twice. XX, 373. Canada. — Grasp the coat lapel (or an imaginary lapel) with the right hand and give it a little shake. North America.— Make "N" then "A," giving the hands a shaking or circular motion. South America.— Same with "S" and "A." New England.— Pass the "E" hand across the length of the palm of the open left hand from the finger end to the palm. New York.— Pass the "Y" hand across the length of the left palm from the heel to the finger ends. XX, 374. Washington (both the man and the city).— Place the end of the right "W" hand on the right shoulder; bring it out and give it a circular motion up and down. "When the city is meant, sign "Washington," then "city." XX, 375. Chicago. — Give the "C" hand a shaking motion, or circle through the air with it. California. — This State is sometimes indicated by the sign for "gold," i. e., pinch the lobe of the right ear and bring the "Y" hand out and give it a twisting, shaking motion. Or, leaving the ear, have the "Y" hand, after making a twisting motion, strike the palm of the left hand. Indian. — Place the end of the thumb and forefinger of the closed "0" hand on the end of the nose and then carry it around and place it similarly against the ear. XX, 376. Jew. — Placing the fingers of the bent "5" hand on the chin, draw them down and off, letting the hand assume the "&" position as it leaves the chin. XX, 377. Note : Cities like Philadelphia, Baltimore, Omaha, etc., are indicated locally by use of the initial letter, usually giving it a twisting or shaking motion. Only the few larger cities have such a recognized sign throughout the country. But locally nearly all cities have their signs.