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Think.—Place the end of the "G" forefinger upon the center of the forehead and move it a little with a circular motion. VI, 97.

Understand.—With the right "G" forefinger bent or crooked, bring the back of the nail against the center of the forehead, draw the end of the finger upward and out until it is straight, describing a parabola. VI, 98.

Idea.—Place the end of the little finger of the right "I" hand against the middle of the forehead; draw it away and give it the least of a circular jerk upward. VI, 99.

Imagine.—Make a sign as in "Idea," but when finger is drawn away, lift it upward in a continuous circular motion. VI, 100. Or,

(2) Place the forefinger against the forehead as in "think" and then lift the whole hand upward with the same motion two or three times. VI, 101.

Dream.—Place the end of the forefinger upon the forehead as in "think," then draw it away and upward, giving the forefinger a wiggling motion (bending and straightening alternately, rapidly). The sign for "sleep" may be prefixed. VI, 102.

Wise.—Crook the right "G" forefinger and lift the hand to the forehead; place the end of the finger at the top of the center and move it downward across the forehead. VI, 103.

Science, or to indicate deep wisdom.—Place the forefinger as in "think" or in "wise," hold the left hand out in front of you with fingers extended and loosely apart; bring the end of the right forefinger from the head and pierce it through or between the fingers of the hand, indicating that the wisdom goes down deep. VI, 104.

Invent.—With the "G" forefinger pointing upward, place the end against the middle of the forehead just above the nose so the finger almost rests on the length of the nose; push the finger upward till the length of it has crossed the forehead.