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Olives, as if he were His closest friend, while by so doing he was guilty of shameful ingratitude and disgraceful treachery.

6. Truth above all I On this account never allow yourself to be persuaded to fawn upon and flatter any one. The temptation to flatter comes ready to hand when you have to do with people whose favor may be advantageous to you, and whose dislike on the contrary may prove injurious. Avoid extravagant praise of any one's qualities, and never pay compliments which you do not seriously mean. Adhere to the truth!

You may perhaps object and say: "These are evil times; it is not possible to get on without deceit and dissimulation!" But has God changed and altered His commands to please those who lie and cheat? Has He given permission to lie for the sake of gain? But all act in this manner! But if all really do lie and offend God, ought we for this reason to do the same?

No, hold fast this principle: Truth above all! and see that you carry it out. And if sometimes, or even frequently, you suffer defeat with your friend, Truth, and this pains and troubles you very much; yet in spite of all never separate yourself from this friend. Remain true to her both in life and in death, and certainly, as certainly as there is a God in heaven, you will conquer with her, and triumph over your enemies and her own.