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"If God be for us, who is against us? (Rom. viii. 31).

"He that feareth man shall quickly fall he that trusteth in the Lord, shall be set on high" (Prov. xxix. 25).

"I myself will comfort you; who art thou, that thou shouldst be afraid of a mortal man, who shall wither away like grass?" (Is. li. 12) .

"Who is he that can hurt you, if you be zealous of good?" (1 Peter iii. 13).

Strive to be a manly man! A manly man is a man of character; one who is controlled by conscience; one who does his duty under all circumstances; one who is swayed by reason, by faith, by moral principles - not by every passing impulse, not by transient emotions, not by fancy or caprice, not by human respect. A manly man is one who is endowed with the courage of his convictions; one who is conscientious, sincere, truthful, honest, upright, just and charitable, unselfish and magnanimous, kind and gentle: one who practises what he preaches, whose life is consistent with his faith; one who heeds the admonition of his Creator: "Walk before Me and be perfect" (Gen. vii. 1); "Thou shalt be perfect and. without spot before the Lord thy God" (Deut. xviii. 13); one, in fine, who may be called truly a Christian gentleman - who seeks to please God first and always, and then observes the Golden Rule: "As you would that men