Page:The Aborigines of Victoria and Riverina.djvu/195

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Yetty Wirwie Melbourne Kurrawillow,
I went (to) Melbourne yesterday,
nga keelynowie wirtoowa kimma,
and to-day came back here.
Yetty nine willker wirangin jakla
I saw (a) wild dog eating
talko koorangie keelynowie.
(a) good kangaroo to-day.
Watty kayanie jerry yallum.
No water lies (in the) well.
Kooronando Nowie kopa.
(the) great (has) drank (it).
Wilker wirangin boondan kingie
(a) wild dog (did) bite your
kaatle kurawillow, yetty nine
sheep yesterday, I saw (him).
Kingie murtoomoo banie.
Your sweetheart (is) handsome.
Nginma warramie warnowie.
You make (a) fire.
Kinniathouma nine polite polite kannie.
We saw four snakes.
Keeloo bokoin kaykoonga tertow.
He broke his arm.
Nerteroo? Keelynowie. Wintya? Boorongie.
When? To-day? Where? (in the) scrub

Ngallathong Mamoo jerry Tyrrily.
Our Father (that) lies (in) Heaven,
talko kingie nirrinew, kingie weeia
good (be) your name, your smile
yunga kimma; kingie ngamga
come here, your wishes
lurka kimma tungu, ngooly
(be) made here (on) earth as
Tyrrily; woeka ngallathong hernimie
(in) Heaven, give us bread
keelynowie, nga yakna ngallathong
to-day, and take away our