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18 CHRONICLE. [mabch

23. At a general assembly of academicians and associates of the Royal Academy, Mr. Aston Webb, architect, elected an associate.

24. The Inter-University Athletic Sports at Queen's Club resulted in a tie — each university winning five contests : Oxford the 100 yards and quarter mile, long jump, high jump and hammer throw; Cambridge the half mile, hurdles, one mile, three miles and weight putting.

— The Spinoza Museum at Rhynsburg, near Leyden, opened at the house in which the last years of his life were spent, and restored in the style of the time.

— The Grand National Steeplechase at Liverpool won by Mr. J. G. Bulteel's Manifesto, aged, 12st. 7 lb. (G. Williamson). Nineteen started.

— In the House of Commons Mr. Gladstone's amendment to the second reading of the London Government Bill rejected by 246 to 118 votes.

25. The University Boat Race from Putney to Mortlake, which for nine successive years had been won by Oxford, after a stiff competition, in which Cambridge led throughout, won by Cambridge by 3± lengths in 21 min. 4 sec.

— A petition to Queen Victoria, detailing the grievances of the Uitlandere, signed by 21,000 British subjects in the Transvaal, handed to the British agent in Pretoria for transmission.

— The International Football Match (Association Rules) between Scotland and Ireland played at Glasgow, and won by Scotland by nine goals to one.

— At Berlin the disciplinary proceedings against Professor Delbriick for denouncing the action of the German Government in expelling Danes from Schleswig resulted in his being censured and fined 600 marks.

27. Mr. L. W. Longstaff, F.R.G.S., transmitted to the President of the Royal Geographical society 25,000/. to enable the society to co- operate with the Germans in the scientific exploration of the Antarctic regions.

— The American troops, after much heavy fighting, advanced against Malolos, the seat of the insurgent Government of the Philip- pines, and ultimately carried the successive lines of entrenchments, Aquinaldo before taking flight setting on fire the various villages.

Y v ( "28. The first press message by Signor Marconi's system of wireless telegraphy transmitted from Wimereux near Boulogne, to the South Foreland, the rate being at about fifteen words a minute.

— It was announced that Malta had joined the other dependencies in adopting the imperial penny postage.

— The St. Petersburg University again closed in consequence of the students' disturbances, which had been renewed on the readmission of the previously expelled students.

— The Belgica, with the members of the Belgian Antarctic expedi- tion, arrived off Sandy Point, Buenos Ayres, after having been ice- bound for twelve months, and with the loss of two men.