Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/70

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When she had finished, Ali Ben Bekkar said to the damsel nearest him, ‘Sing us somewhat, thou.’ So she took the lute and sang these verses:

The time of union’s all too slight For coquetry and prudish flight.
Not thus the noble are. How long This deadly distance and despite?
Ah, profit by the auspicious time, To sip the sweets of love-delight.

Ali ben Bekkar followed up her song with plentiful tears; and when Shemsennehar saw him weeping and groaning and lamenting, she burned with love-longing and desire and passion and transport consumed her. So she rose from the couch and came to the door of the alcove, where Ali met her and they embraced and fell down a-swoon in the doorway; whereupon the damsels came to them and carrying them into the alcove, sprinkled rose-water upon them. When they revived, they missed Aboulhusn, who had hidden himself behind a couch, and the young lady said, ‘Where is Aboulhusn?’ So he showed himself to her from beside the couch, and she saluted him, saying, ‘I pray God to give me the means of requiting thee thy kindness!’ Then she turned to Ali ben Bekkar and said to him, ‘O my lord, passion has not reached this pass with thee, without doing the like with me; but there is nothing for it but to bear patiently what hath befallen us.’ ‘By Allah, O my lady,’ rejoined he, ‘converse with thee may not content me nor gazing upon thee assuage the fire of my heart, nor will the love of thee, that hath mastered my soul, leave me, but with the passing away of my life.’ So saying, he wept and the tears ran down upon his cheeks, like unstrung pearls. When Shemsennehar saw him weep, she wept for his weeping; and Aboulhusn exclaimed, ‘By Allah, I wonder at your plight and am confounded at your behaviour; of a truth, your affair is amazing and your case marvellous. If ye weep thus, what while ye are yet together, how will it be when ye are parted? Indeed, this is no time for