Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/560

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Fuegia, the

3. Cetraria sepincola, Ach.; Lich. Univ. p. 507. Mont, in Toy. au Pole Slid, Bot. Crypt, p. 195.

Hab. Strait of Magalhaens, on bark of Berberis Uicifolia ; M. Jacquinot.

4>. Cetraria aculeata, Fries, Lich. Europ. p. 35. Mont. 1. c. p. 194. Comicularia aculeata, Ach. Lich. Univ. p. 612.

Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; on the summit of Kater's peak, and other mountains. Falkland Islands, Gaudichavd, fyc; but not common. Strait of Magalhaens ; U 'Urvitte and Jacquinot.

A very Arctic plant, inhabiting Melville Island in Arctic America, and Lapland in Europe ; in the latter continent it exteuds as far south as the Alps and Pyrenees, and to the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean.


1. Nephroma polaris, Ach.; Lich. Univ. p. 523. N. arctica, Mont, in Toy. au Pole Sud, Bot Crypt, p. 192.

Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn; moist exposed places on the margins of the woods bordering the sea, abundant. Strait of Magalhaens; MM. Hombron and Jacquinot.

The most magnificent of Lichens, whether we regard the size of the thallus, which often is a foot and upwards across, the general aspect, or the size and beautiful colour of the frond and copious apothecia. Its European range is very northern, being confined to Scandinavia, reaching Lapland but not the islands beyond, nor inhabiting any countries south of the Baltic. In North America it ranges over the wooded regions and barren lands, 54°-69°, and to the west of the Rocky Mountains descends to Eort Vancouver, in Lat. 46° N.

2. Nephroma cellulom, Ach.; Lich. Univ. p. 523.

Hab. Staten Land ; Menzies {in Hook. Serb.)

A very much smaller species than the former, approaching very closely to the N. resupinata of Europe. It also inhabits Juan Fernandez and Tasmania.


1. 'P^LTiDVAjJolydactyla, Ach.; Lich. Univ. p. 517. Mont, in Toy. au Pole Sud, Bot. Crypt, p. 193.

Hab. Strait of Magalhaens ; MM. Hombron and Jacquinot.

Very abundant in Tasmania and New Zealand, also found iu Lord Auckland's group and Campbell's Island. In Europe, it ranges from Switzerland to Sweden and Norway; in America, from Mexico to Sitka, but does not proceed so far north on the east of the Rocky Mountains ; it also inhabits the West Indies, Colombia, the Cape of Good Hope, and other warm climates. Altogether it is a plant which does not shim the cold so markedly as do either of the following species, for it (the var. scutata) is also found as far as the northern limits of the forest regions of Arctic America.

2. Peltidea canina, Ach.? Lich. Univ. p. 517. Engl. Bot. t. 2299. Hab. Falkland Islands ; on tufts of Bolax glebaria, rare.

In the Southern Hemisphere the P. canina has been found in Juan Fernandez only. Its range in the Northern is very wide, commencing in Mexico it is dispersed as far north as Canada on the east coast, and Sitka on the west. In Europe it is frequent from the Alps to Lapland, but does not inhabit the Arctic Island of Spitzbergen in Europe, or the shores of the Polar Sea and Islands beyond in America, where the P. aptltosa abounds, a species not hitherto found in the Antarctic regions. The Falkland Island specimens are in a very imperfect state.