Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/624

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Messrs. Reeve, Brothers, beg leave respectfully to inform the public, that, at the request of several eminent Cryptogamic Botanists, they intend to print a few copies of the Cryptogamic part of this important work in a separate form: these will be complete in themselves, distinctly paged, and accompanied with separate Title-page and Index.

The first Part of the Cryptogamia of Lord Auckland's and Campbell's Islands will appear on the 1st of February 1S45, containing the Mosses, Hepaticæ, Sea-weeds and Fungi. Tins portion will be concluded in Three Parts, comprizing forty-eight pages of letter-press and twenty-four plates, royal quarto, containing figures of about 120 different species. Price of the whole, 15s. plain, or beautifully coloured after nature, £1:4s.

The Cryptogamia of the other Antarctic Islands will be published in the same year, contained in about Pour similar Parts; the price of each part, in all cases, being the same, viz. 5s. plain, 8s. coloured. On the termination of the Floras of Van Diemen’s Land and New Zealand, their Cryptogamic Botany will be similarly illustrated.

The very limited sale and great expense attending works of this description, oblige the Publishers to prepare very few copies in this form. Messrs. Reeve request therefore to be understood, that they intend to print only so many extra copies of the Cryptogamia, as they shall have received the names of Subscribers for, before the 16th of January. To prevent disappointment, it is earnestly requested that Subscribers, whether they purpose taking the work direct from the publishers or through another channel, will favour Messrs. Reeve by communicating their intention.

3, King William Steeet, Strand.