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To see the spectre of despair
Come to our lonely tent;
Like Brutus midst his slumbering host
Startled by Caesar's stalwart ghost.

Night is the time to muse;
Then from the eye the soul
Takes flight and with expanding views
Beyond the starry pole,
Descries athwart the abyss of night
The dawn of uncreated light.

Night is the time to pray;
Our Saviour oft withdrew
To desert mountains far away,
So will his followers do;
Steal from the throng to haunts untrod,
And hold communion there with God.

Night is the time for death;
When all around is peace,
Calmly to yield the weary breath
From sin and suffering cease;
Think of Heaven's bliss and give the sign
To parting friends :—such death be mine!

Oh, what a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive.