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Uncle Toby—He shall not die, by God!

The accusing spirit which flew up to heaven's chancery with the oath, blushed as he gave it in; and the recording angel as he wrote it down dropped a tear on the word, and blotted it out for ever. Sterne.

To long-tried practice obstinately warm,
He doubts conviction and relies on form.

Life I hold but idle breath,
When love or honour's weigh'd with death.

Violent asseverations, or affected bluntness, look not more suspicious than strained sanctity, or over offended modesty. Zimmermann.


Yes dear one ! thus the envied train,
Of those around thee, homage pay;
But wilt thou never kindly deign,
To think of him that's far away ?
Thy form, thine eye, thine angel smile,
For weary years I may not see;
But wilt thou not sometimes the while,
My sister dear, remember me?