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The great moral lesson taught them here
Is to fear God, and know no other fear.

The vile are only vain, the great are proud.

While some, in close recess apart,
Courted the ladies of their heart;
Nor courted them in vain;
For often, in the parting hour,
Victorious Love asserts his power
O'er coldness and disdain;
And flinty is her heart, can view,
To battle march a lover true,
Can hear, perchance his last adieu,
Nor own her share of pain.

Wealth commands the eye of heauty, and the ear of greatness; gives spirit to the dull, and authority to the timorous; and leaves him from whom it departs without virtue and without understanding. Johnson.

Embraced by all, in turn embracing each,
The husband and the father for awhile
Forgot his country and all things beside :
Life hath few moments of such pure delight,