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They love a captain to obey,
Boisterous as March yet fresh as May;
With open hand, and brow as free,
Lover of wine, and minstrelsy;
Ever the first to scale a tower,
As venturous in a lady's bower;
Such buxom chief shall lead his host
From India's fire to Zembla's frost.

The judgment and capacity which make resistance useless or impracticable, are rated much higher than even the resolution which overcomes it.


Ill-busied man! why should'st thou take such care
To lengthen out thy life's short kalendar?
When every spectacle thou look'st upon,
Presents and acts thy execution.
Each drooping season and each flower doth cry
'Fool! as I fade and wither thou must die.'

The beating of thy pulse, when thou art well,
Is just the tolling of thy passing bell:
Night is thy hearse, whose sable canopie
Covers alike deceased day and thee.
And all those weeping dews which nightly fall,
Are but the tears shed for thy funeral.
King, Bishop Of Chichester, 1641 to 1670.