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Thus man, the sport of bliss and care,

Rises on time's eventful sea; And having swell'd a moment there,

Thus sinks into eternity ! Moore.

Oh ! thou deceiver Life, how brightly gay Thy future scenes on youthful fancies rise,

Till cold experience draws the veil away, And, drest in all its dread realities,

Dark in our sight the blighted prospect lies; So from afar the faithless deserts shew

Ideal lakes to cheat the pilgrim's eyes;

Thirsting he toils across the plains that glow, And 6nds a waste of sand, where waters seem'd to flow !

Gally Knight.

There is an obligation to complacency, if not, humility of manners, which the acquisition of wealth or station lays on every man, though it has often, especially on weak minds, a directly opposite effect. A certain degree of inattention, or rudeness, which from an equal we may easily pardon, from a superior becomes a serious injury.

The mind, that broods o'er guilty woes,

Is like the scorpion girt by fire, In circle narrowing as it glows, The flames around their captive close, Till inly searched by thousand throes, And maddening in her ire,