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With conscious pride I view the band Of faithful friends that round me stand; With pride exult that 1 alone Can join these scatter'd gems in one, For they're the wreath of pearls, and I The silken cord on which they lie !

'Tis mine their inmost soul to see Unlock'd is every heart to me, To me they cling, on me they rest, And I've a place in every breast, For they're the wreath of pearls, and I The silken cord on which they lie !

Sir William Jones.

Misunderstanding and inattention create more uneasiness in the world than deception and artifice, or at least, their consequences are more universal.


Tis sweet to behold, when the billows are sleeping, Some gay colour'cl bark moving gracefully by;

No damp on her deck, but the eventide's weeping, No breath in her sails but the summer wind's sigh.

Yet who would not turn, with a fonder emotion, To gaze on the life-boat, tho' rugged and worn,

Which often hath wafted, o'er hills of the ocean, The lost light of hope to the seaman