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Oh ! these are recollections

Round mothers' hearts that cling— That mingle with the tears And smiles of after years,

With oft awakening.

But thou wilt then, fond mother I

In after years look back (Time brings such wondrous easing) With sadness not unpleasing,

E'en on this gloomy track.

Thou'lt say, " My first born blessing

It almost broke my heart When thou wert forced to go, And yet, for thee, I know,

'Twas better to depart.

I look around, and see

The evil ways of men; And, oh beloved child! I'm more than reconciled

To thy departure then.

The little arms that clasp'd me, The innocent lips that prest,

Would they have been as pure

Till now, as when of yore I lull'd thee on my breast?