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What better name may slumber's bed become ? Night's sepulchre, the universal home, Where weakness, strength, vice, virtue, sunk supine, Alike in naked helplessness recline.

Glad for awhile to heave unconscious breath, Yet wake to wrestle with the dread of death; And shun, though day but dawn on ills increased, That sleep, the loveliest, since it dreams the least.


Poverty, if it be a fault, is its own punishment; who pays more for it, pays use upon use.


Never was that man merry that had more than one woman in his bed, one friend in his bosom, one faith in his heart.

Fortune is sweet, Fortune is sour, Fortune will laugh, Fortune will low'r; The fading fruit of Fortune's flower Doth ripe and rot both in an hour.

Fortune can give, Fortune can take, Fortune can mar, Fortune can make; When others sleep, poor I do wake, And all for unkind Fortune's sake.