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No voice «f life was there : 'Tis the dead that raise that cry; The dead, who rais'd no prayer As they sunk in wild despair, Chaunt in scorn that boastful air Where they lie.

" Rule Britannia" sung the crew When the stout Saldanah sailed; And her colours, as they flew, Flung the warrior-cross to view Which in battle to subdue

Ne'er had fail'd.

Bright rose the laughing morn, (That morn that seal'd her doom;) Dark and sad is her return, And the storm-lights faintly burn, As they toss upon her stern, 'Mid the gloom.

From the lonely beacon's height, As the watchmen gazed around, They saw their flashing light Drive swift athwart the night; Yet the wind was fair, and right To the Sound.

But no mortal power shall now That crew and vessel save—