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his God in asserting the rank which he gave him in the creation ! To that common God, who where he gave the form of man, whatever may be the complexion, gives also the feelings and rights of man.

Sheridan's Speech On The Beuum Charge.

I Want the words,

To pay you back a compliment so courtly; But my heart guesses at the friendly meaning And won't die your debtor.

Celestial happiness t whoe'er she stoops To visit earth, one shrine the goddess finds, And one alone, to make her sweet amends For absent heav'n—the bosom of a friend; Where heart meets heart, reciprocally soft, Each other's pillow to repose divine. Beware the counterfeit! in passion's flame Hearts melt, but melt like ice, soon harder froze. True love strikes root in reason, passion's foe, Virtue alone entenders us for life, ' I wrong her much—entenden us for ever.