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But he possesses not that even temperature of mind which steers clear of extremes : he never could do any thing in moderation. However different might become the object of pursuit, the ardour of the chase with him still remained the same; and the greater the impetus with which he had rushed on inany direction, the stronger, when he met with a check, became the recoil in the opposite direction.

Vice cannot fix, and Virtue cannot change; The once-fall'n woman must for ever fall, For Vice must have variety, while Virtue Stands like the sun; and all which rolls around Drinks life, and light, and glory from her aspect!


The heart wants something to be kind to; and it conloles us for the loss of society, to see even an animal derive happiness from the endearments we bestow on it.


Queen of the silver bow! by thy pale beam Alone and pensive I delight to stray,

And watch thy shadow trembling in the stream, Or mark the floating clouds that cross thy way.