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Oh! weep not sweet maid! tho' the bright tear of beauty
To kindred emotion each feeling beguiles;
The softness of sorrow no magic can borrow
To vie with the splendour of " Beauty in Smiles."
Man roves thro' creation a wandering stranger,
A dupe to its follies, a slave to its toils;
But bright o'er the billows of doubt and of danger
The rainbow of promise is " Beauty in Smiles."

As the rays of the sun o'er the bosom of nature,
Renew every flower which the tempest despoils;
So joy's faded blossom in man's aching bosom,
Revives in the sunshine of " Beauty in Smiles."
The crown of the hero, the star of the rover,
The hope that inspires, and the spell that beguiles;
The song of the poet, the dream of the lover,
The infidel's heaven, is " Beauty in Smiles."

Liberty, like Love, is as hard to keep as to win, and the exertions by which it was originally gained, will be worse than fruitless, if they be not followed up by the assiduities by which alone it can be preserved.

The heart may languish, and the eye may weep,
For those whom heaven has called from life and care;
Yet there's an earthly pang than these more deep,
Which sharpens sorrow, and which brings despair,