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tyrant, militated against every principle of man; yet here we saw a monster, a philosophical tyrant—a cool, deliberate, reasoning tyrant—who violated the rights of man, with a perfect consciousness of what those rights were—and who endowed with the knowledge of the equal rank as to freedom, 'granted by the deity to human kind, arraigned the wisdom of proviJence by opposing its dispensations in favour of his species. A tyrant against man is a libeller ofGod." Sheridan.

When Love once pleads admission to our hearts, (In spite of all the virtue we can boast) The woman that deliberates is lost.


Oh ! 'tis not Hinda in the power Of fancy's most terrific touch,

To paint thy pangs in that dread hour— Thy silent agony—'twas such

As those who feel could paint too well,

But none e'er felt, and liv'd to tell

No—pleasures, hopes, affections gone, The wretch may bear, and yet live on, Like things, within the cold rock found Alive, when all's congeal'd around. But there'* a blank repose in this, A calm stagnation, that were bliss