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Most hard, and with hard working, barely earu'd
Enough to make life struggle. Thus she lay
On the sick bed of poverty, so worn
That she could make no effort to express
Affection for her infant: and the child,
Whose lisping love, perhaps, had solaced her,
With strangest infantine ingratitude,
Shunn'd her as one indifferent. She was past
That anguish—for sue felt her hour draw on :
And 'twas her only comfort now to think
Upon the grave. ' Poor Girl !' her mother said,
' Thou hast suffered much !'—'Aye, mother; there is none
'Can tell what I have suffer'd !' she replied;
' But I shall soon be where the weary rest.'
And she did rest her soon; for it pleas'd God
To take her to his mercy.

——Did man compute
Existence by enjoyment, and count o'er
Such hours 'gainst years of life—say, would he name threescore? Byron.

Advice is
What every body wants,
What every body asks,
What every body gives,
But which nobody follows.