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Speaking of the British constitution, Blackstone says, " To sustain, to repair, to beautify this noble pile it a charge intrusted principally to the nobility, and such gentlemen of the kingdom, as are delegated by their country to parliament. The protection of the liberty of Britain is a duty which they owe to themselves, who enjoy it; to their ancestors, who transmitted it down; and to their posterity, who will claim at their hands this, the best birth-right and noblest inheritance of mankind."

Tous les premiers forfaits coutent quelques efforU; Mais, Attale, on commet les seconds sans remords.

Alas for him, who hears her cries!

Still half way down the steep he stands, Watching with fixed and feverish eyes,

The glimmer of those burning brands, That down the rocks, with mournful ray,

Light all he loves on earth, away! Hopeless as they who, far at sea

By the cold moon have just consign'd The corse of one, lov'd tenderly,

To the bleak flood they leave behind; And on the deck still lingering stay, And long look back, with sad delay, To watch the moonlight on the wave, That ripples o'er that cheerless grave.
