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Nations, and hues, and dialects alike.
According to their works shall they be judged,
When even-handed justice in the scale
Their good and evil weighs. All creeds, I ween,
Southey.Agree in this, and hold it orthodox.

The mind which, like the delicate leaves of the mimosa, shrinks from every touch, is ill calculated to solicit the assistance of the powerful, or to gain the favour of the great. The very looks of the prosperous it construes into arrogance; and it is equally wounded by the civility which appears to condescend, and by the insolence which wears the form of contempt.

God hath two wings; which he doth ever move;
The one is mercy, and the next is love :
Under the first, the sinners ever trust,
And with the last he still directs the just.
Herrick. 1648. 

Every one who bears the name of a gentleman is accountable for it to his family.

The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heaven.