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The day drags through though storms keep out the sun;
And thus the heart will break, yet brokenly live on.


With virtue strong as yours, had Eve been arm'd,
In vain the fruit had blushed, or serpent charm' d;
Nor had our bliss by penitence been bought:—
Nor had frail Adam fell—nor Milton wrote.

An Adieu should in utterance die —
If written, but faintly appear—
Only heard in the burst of a sigh—
Only seen in the drop of a tear.

I Was induced to ascend into the belfry, where I found ropes for eight bells—those musical tones which extend the sphere of the church's influence by associations of pleasure, devotion, or melancholy, through the surrounding country. What an effective means of increasing the sympathies of religion, and exciting them by the fire-sides, and on the very pillows of the people! Who that, as a bride or bridegroom, has heard them in the conjunction with the first joys of wedded love, does not feel the pleasurable associations of their lively peal on other similar events? Who, that through a series of years has obeyed their calling chime on the sabbath morn-